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Fingershield™ Pull-Side Door Finger Guard

Fingershield™ Pull-Side Door Finger Guard Following the success of the Fingershield™ Push-side door finger guard, we developed the  Fingershield™ Pull-side  door finger guard. Our company was now able to provide door safety products that eliminated the chance of finger, hand and head injuries from occurring at both sides of the hinge-side of a door. The [...]

Fingershield™ Push-Side Door Finger Guard

Fingershield™ Push-Side Door Finger Guard The Fingershield™ Push-Side door finger guard was developed in 1999 to eliminate the estimated 40,000 accidents that injure children each year in the United Kingdom. In recent years, the need to install child door safety products has been increasingly recognized by Health and Safety Professionals. Finger-trapping injuries are not only [...]


Satisfied Fingershield™ Customers We are confident our products are designed and built to the highest standards. Please read the testimonials from some of our happy clients. “Geoff – I wanted to take a moment and thank you for designing and producing such a fine product. When we did the renovation here, the architect specified finger [...]


Fingershield™ Door Safety Products The Fingershield™ range of door safety products includes the following: Fingershield™ Push-Side Door Finger Guard Provides finger and hand protection by covering the gap created on the hinge side of the push-side of a door when the door is open. Important: For complete hinge side protection include the installation of a [...]

Prevention is Better than Cure

If not treated quickly, serious finger injuries can lead to permanent deformity and loss of function. In this case, the prevention is better than the cure. Trapping a finger in an unguarded doorway can have the following consequences…